Right before handing over out passports to the border police entering Maine we realized that none of us were born in the U.S. Turns out I was the only one that made their sketch radar peak. They asked me several questions and asked for another form of ID. Apparently the photo that comes up looks vastly different from the photo in my passport.
Once we entered Maine I mentioned that I saw no deer while in upstate New York (which is crazy), and Carol and Megan were saying they haven't seen deer or moose in a long time when BAM! - we saw 6 moose! They were all about the same size, pretty small and so cute. Took plenty of photos.
We had two nights of watching slides with my grandparents during this visit. One of the nights we looked at their photos from when they were in Italy (1959), Spain & Portugal (1978). Was fun to see and recognize some of the main sites. While my grandmother is having trouble with her short-term memory, she busted out lots of stories and anecdotes from their travels.
Today we drove from Greenville to Bangor to pick up a rental car, and then drove from Bangor to New Brunswick. The Canadian officer at this border was the nicest I have ever experienced. He didn't look at our passports and had a chit-chat style with all his routine questions he needs to ask.
We decided to first visit Frederickton, the capital of New Brunswick. Tomorrow we're heading to a few spots where our family (mom's side) stems from. In preparation for our trip we talked to my grandparents, my grandmother's sister, and during the trip we'll reference "The Bamford Saga", a detailed family tree reference book that was published in 1989 by Louise Bamford, my second cousin four times removed. Whatever that means. It was 20 years of research on her part and it includes info from 1764 to 1989. Unfortunately, there is something seriously wrong with page 106. There are a few subtle typos that I can live with, like my mom's middle name, and where some of my cousin's were born. What I cannot live with is the fact that my sister and I are not mentioned! My three aunts are mentioned, with their respective kids listed underneath them. And since three of my cousins are younger than me I know it's not a year thing. My dad's parents are even mentioned. Hmmm. Editing needed.
Frederickton is a pretty sleepy little town at the moment. I imagine it gets a little busier during the summer, but right now it's a bit ghost town-ish. Very quaint and cute though.
The itchy mosquito bites I have literally from head to toe remind me why I love the west coast.
I've been visiting Maine and specifically Moosehead Lake my whole life, but it still gets me awestruck. Beautiful state. "The way life should be".
I'm not going to lie - I love leaving the country and turning my phone off. I am, however, not too pleased that my watch battery is dead. I don't glance at it too often while on vacation, but it is starting to bug me.
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