Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Am headed in a few hours to catch a ride from San Francisco to Dallas to eat a Tex Mex lunch. Then shortly after lunch am skipping over to Playa del Carmen, to experience the real deal.

This is my first Mexican adventure, and most likely not the last. I find it surprising that I've never been to Mexico for two reasons. First, I live so close. Second and most important, I love the food. Now, I know what you are thinking - the food there won't be like Taco Bell or Chevy's. This is true, but I know I'll still love it.

I will admit I'm a little concerned about the water and all the warnings that I will get sick. I say so be it. I will not be scared. I will enjoy the food, the margaritas, and avoid tap water. Kind of a crazy change from drinking out of every source in Italy on every street corner.

Am excited for new adventures!

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