Sunday, November 28, 2010


On Friday morning I got up early and headed to Tulum with four other wedding guests. We took a bus from downtown Playa del Carmen to Tulum. It´s then a short walk into the Mayan ruins of Tulum. Officially it´s a pre-Columbian Maya walled city. It´s right on the water so after the tour we went down to the beach for some swimming and sunbathing.

The ruins were neat to see. I was a bit bummed that you couldn´t go into any of the buildings to see some of the wall paintings. Or at least our guide didn´t take us into any. I have to admit that my favorite part of that day trip were all of the iguanas. They were everywhere. I took lots of photos.

We headed back after a few hours of enjoying the ruins and beach for a cocktail hour with all of the other wedding guests. While I only knew 3 people beforehand, everyone here has been so nice and friendly. The couple are truly great people, as are all of their friends. The groom proposed to the bride in Brasil, at Iguacu Falls which I find cool.

We tried to make it an early night on Friday to save our energy for the wedding on Saturday.

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