Monday, April 25, 2011

Pasqua in Barcelona

The streets were much less crowded today and a lot of stores were closed for Easter Sunday. I checked out of the blah-hotel, had two cafes con leche at a corner shop, and then made my way to Barcelona home #3 in the L'Eixample neighborhood.

I then took the metro to Parc Guell. I would have walked but since I'm leaving on Tuesday morning I sadly feel like my time is limited here, so have started hopping on the metro every now and then instead of always taking nice long walks.

Parc Guell is another signature Gaudi creation. It's pretty far from downtown and was originally planned to be the setting of an upscale neighborhood. Apparently none of the rich bought into the idea at the time and the city turned it into a park instead. I had a nice little visit, read my book for a bit, people watched, and then headed back to the hustle and bustle of La Rambla for a bite to eat.

One of my favorite little spots when I don't want to have a sit-down lunch is at Maoz Vegetarian. It's basically a little deli or healthy fast-food. I get a pita with hummus and falafel and then they have lots of toppings you can add into it. I put these tasty curry spiced garbanzo beans in it. Funny - today a woman came in and asked if Maoz was vegetarian, meaning if the pita and what comes inside is vegetarian. The woman behind the counter said "Yes, this is 'Maoz Vegetarian' -everything is vegetarian". The customer still wanted clarification so the woman behind the counter repeated what she said but super slowly. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. The woman behind the counter looked at me, smiled, and rolled her eyes.

So, about this ring. I thought about it for the rest of the day yesterday and all this morning. I couldn't leave it up to fate. So I went back to Barri Gotic in search for that store. Knowing well that it might be closed, I thought I'd give it a try or at least find it so that I can write down where it is and come back tomorrow.

It took me forever, but I finally found the shop. Was happy it was open. I went straight to where the ring was and tried it on again. Looked at it in several different angles. Looked at it on me in the mirror. Yes, I want it. Then I got stuck with, well I should probably buy one of the several pairs of earrings that they have that would match it. Will it be easy to find earrings to go with it somewhere else? Probably. But I made a convincing case in my head and picked out, after probably 20 minutes of standing at this one display case, a pair of earrings. My 30th birthday present to myself.

After that purchase and a little skip in my step I walked to the start of the L'Eixample neighborhood walking tour. This hood is in the outskirts and it wasn't very happening because everything was closed today. It was actually a nice stroll and pleasant to not be dodging other tourists left and right.

After the walk was over I decided I wanted to try and find an open supermercat to buy a bottle of wine and some bread & cheese. With that fabulous Maoz late lunch I just wanted to chill at the hostel and snack. I finally found an open hole-in-the-wall supermercat and bought a bottle of wine. It's actually one listed in my guidebook as good. I had them open the bottle for me. Finding fresh pan and queso was a bit more challenging. I hovered at a restaurant's menu for a few minutes and one of the waiters came outside. I figured why not ask him if he could hook me up with some bread & cheese to go, even though a cheese plate is not on the menu. He happily obliged and wrapped some cheese & bread in tinfoil for me.

Walked back to my hostel and am enjoying my wine and have already finished my little snack. Was perfect and just enough, I didn't need a whole meal. Now the kicker is - will I manage to save half of this bottle for tomorrow. Only time will tell.

I didn't see much Easter stuff going on today. The friendly guy at the hostel front desk told me that tomorrow (Monday) is when the children get the big Easter chocolate eggs etc, so it's another holiday tomorrow. Wonder if it will be just as quiet as today or if I'll see lots of kiddos carrying around their chocolate egg(s) like I saw the women carrying around their rose(s) yesterday.

These days are flying by too quickly...

The one thing that I'm not going to be able to fit in this trip that I really wanted to is the Dali museum in the town of Figueres. Next time.

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