Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oh, Canada

SuperShuttle was 15 minutes early this morning, they got to my apartment at 2:45am. I really could have used those 15 minutes!

Flights to Ottawa were seamless, connected in Chicago and said hello to Oprah.

Good news is my sore throat never developed into a cold. Bad news is my left foot and leg are still very much in pain. I took a bus from the airport downtown and hobbled my way to the hostel which is a converted house. Each room is named after a continent and each bed a site or place in that continent. I'm staying in the 'Europe' room and I was assigned the 'Sagrada Familia' bed. Crazy coincidence. I told the woman that works here that I was just there, but I don't think she got it or even knows what the Sagrada Familia is.

Anyways, going to lay low tonight because of my foot (sad) and eat the fruit that I smuggled in for dinner.

This next trip adventure goes as follows: Ottawa, St. Lawrence/Canton, Brant Lake (wedding and reunion of St. Lawrence friends), Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, Greenville (family visit), Nova Scotia. Very excited. While I think all my adventures are fascinating, I'll only blog when outside the U.S.

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